• 二年级社交 研究 


    欢迎 to the 美高梅博彩 Family P年龄s. We hope the information you find here assists you in supporting your child while s/he is learning important skills and concepts throughout the second grade year. 
    Three key sources inform the elementary Social 研究 program; (1) The Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations(2) C3 Framework for College, Career and Civic Life for Social 研究 State Standards, 和(3) 社会研究!. The Michigan GLCEs define what the state expects students to know and be able to do in Social 研究 at the end of each grade level. 社会研究! is the core learning resource used throughout the 美高梅博彩 elementary grades.  To take a deeper look at each unit go to:     Atlas: 二年级社交 研究 
    二年级社交 研究 Focus: My School and Family


    Children learn that a 社区 is a place where people live, work, play, and solve problems together. 在一个 解决问题 分组 活动, 他们 design a 社区 that includes places to live, 工作和娱乐.

     是如何 不同的社区?

    Children learn about three types of 社区. 在一个 视觉发现 活动, 他们 learn about the features, advant年龄s, and disadvant年龄s of urban, suburban, and rural 社区.

    a是什么? 地图显示?

    Children discover what a map is and learn to use 其基本特征. 在一个 社会研究技能培养者他们发现 the purpose of maps as 他们 read and answer questions about them.

    是什么 地理位置?


    Children learn that 社区 have different geographic features and that physical maps show these features. 唱歌和 reading reinforce their understanding of eight geographic features. 然后,在 a 社会研究技能培养者, 他们 practice identifying geographic features and locating them on a physical map.

    如何 人利用环境?

    Children explore how people use (and misuse) the 环境. 在一个 响应组 活动, 他们 explore how people use natural resources in various 环境s, and discover the effects of pollution caused by misuse of the 环境.

    是如何 制造并带给我们的商品?

    Children learn how goods are produced and 分布式. 在一个 经验锻炼,孩子们做一个简单的玩具 使用装配线技术. 然后他们 participate in a relay race to learn more about the ways goods are transported to stores. 

    谁提供 社区服务?

    Children learn about service occupations in the 社区. First, 他们 read descriptions of different occupations and perform 哑剧. 然后,在一个 为理解而写作 活动,他们创造 stick puppets representing service workers.

    我怎么可能 一个好的购物者?

    Children learn what it means to be a good 消费者. 在一个 经验锻炼, 孩子们会选择 what to buy, and learn to distinguish between economic needs and wants. 他们 read about some basic economic principles and practices that help 消费者s 明智地花钱.

    如何 社区的变化?

    Children learn how 社区 change. 在一个 问题 解决分组 活动, children create a plane to make a 社区更好.

    我是怎么做到的 社会变化?

    Children learn how San Francisco changed from a small seaport into a large urban area. 在一个 视觉发现 活动, 他们 analyze im年龄s of San Francisco in 1846 and 1852, and then create act-it-outs to explore what life was like during those two time periods.

    一个人怎么能 Person Make a Difference in a 社区?

    Children learn how four people from the past made a difference in their 社区. 在一个 响应组 活动, children speculate about possible solutions to given 社区 problems and compare their solutions with how people actually solved these problems.

    如何 Leaders Help Their Communities?

    Children learn about 社区 leaders. 在一个 经验 锻炼, 他们 elect imaginary people to act as class leaders and learn that a similar procedure is used to elect 社区 leaders. 然后他们 participate in a mock demonstration urging 社区 leaders to take certain 修复操场的动作.

    a是什么? 好公民?

    Children learn what 他们 can do to be good 他们社区的公民. 他们 play a game to reinforce the concepts. 然后,在一个 为理解而写作 活动, children create a “Good Citizen” book to record the good-citizen actions 他们 will perform.

    是什么 社区分享?

    Children learn about some of the things shared by 社区 in the United States. 在一个 经验锻炼, 他们 discover the economic interdependence of 社区 by exchanging product 卡片. 然后他们 complete a map illustrating social connections among U.S. 社区.